Links to Other Sites
Please be advised that we do not agree with all that you will find at
these various sites. They should, however, prove of interest and some
possible help. Some support the King James Bible but tend toward Arminianism, or
deny church truths. Others may promote the doctrines of grace, but use other
Bible translations, etc. Many have files available for viewing or downloading.
Also be advised that most of these sites do not have links back to our
homepage. In order to return back to our homepage from these various sites
simply click on the "back arrow" on your browser.
Currently they are not listed in
any particular order, so you are encouraged to browse through the entire list.
Baptist Press
An abundance of invaluable old Baptist books. An excellent resource!
Philpot Forum
Excerpts from 'Ears from Harvested Sheaves,'
a daily meditation book based on selected portions from sermons of the late
J.C. Philpot. Philpot was a Baptist minister in England in the early 1800s.
Also available are excepts from Philpot's
daily meditation book,
Through Baca's Vale
Providence Baptist Ministries
Great collection of articles and books from a solidly Sovereign
Grace, Landmark Baptist perspective.
The Baptist Standard Bearer
One of the VERY BEST sources for books dealing with the Doctrines
of Grace and Historic Baptist Theology. Most books are reprints of priceless
old Baptist books from 1600 through 1900. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
-- A
The Remnant

An excellent and expanding website of some genuine Old School
Baptist, holding to the absolute predestination of all things.
The 1 John 5:7 Website
Offers a hardcover book describing the untold debate over this
important verse. Also hosts
Biographical Dictionary of American Particular Baptists.
Biographia Evangelica
Excellent site containing invaluable articles by Brother George
Ella, wonderful author and defender of historic, Biblical soteriology.
School Particular Baptist Library
Good selection of old Baptist
works and more contemporary comments upon them.
Baptist - Anabaptist Historical Web Site
Dedicated to the study of the
New Testament Church: Its Nature, Origin, History and Succession.
Trinitarian Bible Society
Primitive Baptist Online
A new and growing site that shows promise of becoming an excellent
source for information about the doctrines held amongst Primitive Baptists.
I have noted several articles that promote the idea of "limited
predestination" that is held by most "modern" Primitive Baptists.
Landmark Baptist Church believes that the Scriptures teach the Absolute
Sovereignty of God and His Absolute Predestination of ALL THINGS.
Biblical Resources Page
Primarily a useful index to articles and other items of interest
from a variety of sites. Generally very reliable.
Grace Online Library
The Primitive Baptist Web Station
An excellent site! May contain some statements at variance with
the views maintained by Landmark Independent Baptist Church, but generally
Biblical Discernment Ministries
The Founder's
Online version of a journal for Southern Baptists "committed to
historic Southern Baptist principles." Strong on the Doctrines of Grace, but
very weak on church truths.
The C. H. Spurgeon Archive
Excellent site containing numerous sermons and books of the Prince
of Preachers. Of particular interest is his sermon
"A Defense of Calvinism"
Phil Johnson's Bookmarks
Interesting and helpful list of bookmarks, most dealing with a
Christian theme of one sort or another.
Center for Scientific Creation
Excellent site, including an online book supporting scientific
IBNET (Independent Baptist Net)
Similar to site above, contains information of interest to the
wide spectrum of Independent Fundamental Baptists. Includes a directory of
Dial-the-Truth Ministries
Articles on KJV, Rock Music, etc.
Somewhat non-descript
Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet
Online Books
The Other Side
A Christian Source with Alternative News.
Bible Discernment
Interesting pro-KJV site.

If you would like to have your site added to this list, please send us an
email message at:
We will prayerfully consider all requests.