The Truth About Firearms
by Pastor Greg Wilson
I compiled the following statistics from an article that appeared in
the New American magazine. Please take a few moments to compare the facts
to the lies and innuendoes that the liberals are presenting on the issue
of the Second Amendment. -- Pastor Greg Wilson
The liberal lie: The murder rate with guns has increased astronomically
in recent years.
The TRUTH: In 1974, handguns were involved in 11,125 murders,
in 1988 that figure had fallen to 8,275. In 1966 murder with guns accounted
for 64.8 percent of the total murders, in 1985 that figure was 58.7 percent.
The fact is gun ownership has been on the increase (more than doubling
since 1968), while murder with guns has been on the decrease.
The liberal lie: A handgun is much more likely to be used by
a criminal in the conduct of a crime than by a citizen in legitimate self-defense.
The TRUTH: In an average year, law-abiding citizens use
handguns 645,000 times to defend themselves from criminal action, compared
to an average of 581,000 misuses of handguns by criminals.
The liberal lie: Our police will protect the citizen from criminal
The TRUTH: Civilians lawfully kill approximately three
times more assailants and robbers than do the police. Indeed, a survey
of felons in state prisons across the country found that 57 percent said
they were more worried about confronting an armed citizen than running
into the police. A Justice Department study estimates that 83 percent of
children now aged 12 will be victims of some kind of violent felony during
their lifetime, and our police forces will be unable to prevent this. Citizens
must take the responsibility for their own protection.
The liberal lie: Those who arm themselves and resist a criminal
assault are more likely to be seriously injured or killed than those who
passively submit to a criminal’s demands.
The TRUTH: Those who passively submit to a criminal’s
demands are twice as likely to be injured (gratuitously), as those who
use a firearm to resist criminal assault.
The liberal lie: Women who resist criminal assault with a firearm
will have their own weapons used against them.
The TRUTH: The records show no example of such an occurrence.
Quoting from the article: “A police academy instructor simultaneously trained
a male police academy class and a group of civilian women (most of whom
had never held a revolver, much less fired one). The instructor ‘found
that after one hour on the range and two hours of classroom instruction
the women consistently outshot police cadets who had received eight times
as much formal instruction and practice.’ Other studies have shown that
the average woman is actually superior to the average man in many physical
and mental traits related to shooting skills.”
Know the facts, and defend your Constitutional Right to Keep and to
Bear Arms. If the liberals have their way, they will take yet another precious
freedom from us.
Fear the government that fears an armed population!